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Mobilizing and training rural communities to construct low-cost water management mechanisms
The Upper Tana Natural Resources Management Project (UTaNRMP) aims to increase sustainable food production and improve sustainable management of natural resources in Kenya. To limit conflict arising from the proximity of human settlements to wildlife habitats, a solar-powered wildlife control barrier was constructed in the forest near Mt. Kenya in collaboration with local communities, public actors and private organizations.
Farmers across the Global South can learn from agroecological solutions presented by their peers via Access Agriculture’s online video platform. While thousands of organizations and rural service providers have freely downloaded and shared these videos from Africa, Asia and Latin America, farmers have become the largest occupational group signing up for Access Agriculture. At least sixty million farmers have seen Access Agriculture videos.
A tool to help smallholder farmers avoid devastating financial losses.
Participatory fora for dialogue and decision-making among civil society and public institutions.
An inclusive methodology to promote sustainable access to natural resources.
A voice for rural farmers in MERCOSUR countries.
Through expert advice, farmers improve the health of their crops and access best practices.
Policy debate and discussion among groups of influencers creates change for poor people.
A new way to access collateral for loans.
Knowledge-sharing initiative to boost agricultural innovation.
Developing Pastoral Units to support natural resource management in Senegal.
New data measurement capabilities could hold the key to building climate change resilience.
Environmentally similar countries can pool resources to accelerate agricultural development.
Adding female voices to agricultural radio programmes empowered communities in Africa.