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The Agri-Entrepreneurs Model by Syngenta Foundation incentivizes youth to play an active role in their region’s agricultural development. An agri-entrepreneur (AE) brings together services such as access to credit, market linkages, high-quality inputs and crop advice for a cluster of 150-200 farmers. The model is currently active across 16 states in India. With over 40 partner organizations, the programme has stitched together a robust ecosystem to support smallholders.
By introducing the Juncao species of grass in Fiji, the Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University enabled smallholder farmers to greatly improve their incomes. Juncao can be used as feed for livestock during dry seasons and as a medium for cultivating edible and medicinal mushrooms.
A Farmers’ Hub (FH) is a one-stop commercial service platform where smallholders can access quality agri-inputs, farm machinery, markets, finance, and knowledge. Under a franchise system, each FH is run by an educated young rural person who ensures the quality of services. To optimize business operations and connect relevant partners, FHs use a digital tool called eFarmersHub. Around 200,000 smallholder farmers currently get services from FHs in Bangladesh.
A platform that allows agribusinesses to work more efficiently and manage data.
A tool to help smallholder farmers avoid devastating financial losses.
Providing safe and innovative bioherbicide, designed by and for smallholders.
Connecting tractor owners and smallholder farmers to ensure faster planting.
Mechanized raised-bed (MRB) irrigation is a field-configuration technology that enhances water use efficiency in dryland conditions. This technology, along with improved crop varieties and agronomic practices, is part of a MRB production package that improves farm productivity and income. For wheat in Egypt, MRB led to an average 25 percent increase in yield, more than 60 percent increase in water productivity and about 20 percent in farming cost reduction.
Kumé is an IFAD-supported platform created by Fundación ACUA (Afro-descendant Cultural Assets Foundation). By commercializing gastronomic products and services that promote culture, traditional knowledge and local crops, ACUA enhances the visibility of rural Afro-descendant communities in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Through the platform, chefs in rural territories offer live online cooking classes for participants in major cities. Using traditional recipes, the chefs showcase their cultures, territories and traditional practices.
Ten years ago, community-based breeding programmes appeared as a pioneer solution for improving the genes of sheep and goat in low-input systems. CBBPs focus on building local capacity by training farmers, leading to sustained genetic improvement of indigenous breeds. The solution has made economically important genes more common, increased farmers’ income by 20 per cent and helped the community triple their consumption of animal source foods.
Twiga Foods is improving Kenya’s agricultural market by helping address key economic issues: high food prices, food safety and the need for established, sustainable markets. Using a mobile-based platform through which vendors can buy their stock - instead of travelling to wholesale markets at 4.00am and haggling for goods - the Twiga solution allows vendors to access better quality produce at competitive prices from their cellphones, which are then delivered directly to their city shops and stalls. Twiga’s all-year-round aggregation of demand for fresh fruit and vegetables (FFV) serves to create a sustainable market for farmers.
New ICTs help Guatemalan coffee farmers respond to climate change.
Harnessing the power of ICTs to improve agricultural extension services in Malawi
Building food security with an agribusiness e-finance system.
Creating employment opportunities and enhancing environmental protection by modernizing agriculture
Digitizing the agricultural inputs subsidy program to increase agricultural productivity among smallholder farmers in Rwanda
Gradual poverty alleviation by marketing local specialties and tourism
A variety of measures help develop the economics of a popular regional product and reduce poverty
Offline access to country-specific information on a range of agricultural topics.
Improving food security by reducing post-harvest loss in fishery through better processing
Helping salt farmers improve their livelihoods through solar pumps
Developing supply chains and community groups for producers and SMEs.
Through expert advice, farmers improve the health of their crops and access best practices.
SMS and radio shows introduced productivity-enhancing technologies to 2 million farmers.
Strong information flow within a supply chain for better outcomes.
Giving entrepreneurs the skills and tools to build their ideas into businesses.
Uniting local organizations improves farmers' incomes.
Technology and training connect farmers with resources for business growth.
A collective approach to commercializing small-scale agriculture.
Supporting fishing communities against exploitative creditors.
Local and international groups collaborate to restore a tradition of outstanding coffee.
Group-based support project helped new char-area residents build social capital.