Pacific Organic and Ethical Trade Community [POETCom]
Type of Organization
Type of cooperation
Technology transfer, Capacity building, Policy dialogue, Knowledge exchange, Foreign trade
Asia and the Pacific
Organic certification, production and compliance, Value Chain development, Policy development, Public Private partnerships, Gender Equity and Social Inclusion.
Type of cooperation
Technology transfer, Capacity building, Policy dialogue, Knowledge exchange, Foreign trade
Current Cooperating countries
all 22 Pacific island countries and territories in addition to the metropolitan members (Australia, France, New Zealand and USA
Potential Cooperating Countries
China - in the area of online marketing apps as an area of potential growth through collaboration, Europe, Africa, Caribbean nations, South Americ
South-South and Triangular Cooperation
Summary of Projects and Achievements
POETCom has implemented South to South type collaboration projects within the Pacific Region. Achievements include that Participatory Guarantee System is widely used in the Pacific and its being Improved; The Pacific Organic Standard is used as the bases of PGS and 3rd Party Organic Certification in the Pacific; and strengthening of the membership to continue to grow organics.
Major SSTC Projects
1.IFAD Project – writing the Pacific Organic Standard
Time: 2005-2006
Region: Involved Fiji, Samoa, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Palau, Tonga, French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Kiribati, Cook Islands, Niue, Papua New Guinea
2.IFAD Project – linking Youth to Resilient Organic Production approaches
Time: 2013-2014
Region: Niue Cook Islands Marshall Islands
3. IFAD funded project on evaluating the Participatory Guarantee System of Organic Certification
Time: 2015-2018
Region: Fiji & Kiribati
Pacific Organic and Ethical Trade Community [POETCom]
Superior Authority
Pacific Community [SPC]
Type of Organization
Private Mailbag, Suva, Fiji
Name: Jim Pierce POETCom Coordinator Tel: +679) 3370 733 ext 35360 Email: [email protected]
Partner Images
Female high school children conducting soil samples and taking data under the IFAD funded Capacity Building for Resilient Agriculture Project
IFAD Project awareness materials – Rugby Goal pads – Sports like rugby was used as awareness for encaging youth to support organic activities on Cicia Organic Island