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If you are having problems using the Rural Solutions Portal, please take a look at our FAQ to see if your question has already been answered.
Questions about using the website
Do I have to pay to use the Rural Solutions Portal?
No. The platform and messaging service is provided free of charge.
Can I bookmark solutions I am interested in?
Yes. If you create an account, you can create a list of bookmarked solutions which you can access any time you sign in to the site.
How can I share one of the solutions with a friend?
Each solution page has sharing buttons you can use to send it to others using social media or email.
I forgot my password. What should I do?
On the sign-in screen, you will see a "forgot password" link with instructions on how to re-set your password.
Questions from solution providers
Can I update my solution once it has been published?
Yes. You can log in to your account and navigate to the solution you would like to change, then use the "Edit" button in the top corner.
Remember, if you make changes to a solution, they will not be published immediately, as the new version will need to undergo the revision process again before publishing.
How do I suggest a solution?
You will need to sign in to your account first. You can then send a brief summary of your solution via the Engage section of this website. If your solution suggestion fits our criteria, we will get in touch with you to request more information.
How much information do I need to provide about my solution?
Pleaseprovide as much detail as possible, and include any multimedia files such as video, audio or images if you have them. As a minimum, we recommend submitting a written document about your project and at least one image.
I sent you a solution and it has not been published. Is something wrong?
Each solution is undergoes a vetting and review process, which includes editing, so it can take some time before your solution appears. You can see the progress of your solution through the vetting process by signing in to your account. If there are any problems with your solution or if we need more information, we will contact you.
Questions from solution seekers
How can I choose my interests and preferences on the website?
When you set up an account, you can tell us which topics you are interested in. We use this information to send you updates about solutions that are relevant to you. You can update your interests at any time by logging into your account.
I have found a solution I am interested in on the website. Do I need to log in to find out more about it?
Yes. To request information from the solution provider, you will need to create a free account