Content with Location .
Mobilizing and training rural communities to construct low-cost water management mechanisms
Creating socioeconomic opportunities for the youth through knowledge-sharing
Rural-urban alliances to reshape food markets and improve the quality of diets
Kumé is an IFAD-supported platform created by Fundación ACUA (Afro-descendant Cultural Assets Foundation). By commercializing gastronomic products and services that promote culture, traditional knowledge and local crops, ACUA enhances the visibility of rural Afro-descendant communities in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Through the platform, chefs in rural territories offer live online cooking classes for participants in major cities. Using traditional recipes, the chefs showcase their cultures, territories and traditional practices.
Ten years ago, community-based breeding programmes appeared as a pioneer solution for improving the genes of sheep and goat in low-input systems. CBBPs focus on building local capacity by training farmers, leading to sustained genetic improvement of indigenous breeds. The solution has made economically important genes more common, increased farmers’ income by 20 per cent and helped the community triple their consumption of animal source foods.
When properly managed, conservation agriculture can benefit both farmers and the environment. Conservation agriculture refers to the use of technologies and practices that enhance crop productivity while improving resource-use efficiency and soil health. As an alternative to conventional tillage for rainfed drylands, it not only saves time and labour, but also conserves water and nutrients in the soil to make crop production more resilient to climate change.
New ICTs help Guatemalan coffee farmers respond to climate change.
Participatory fora for dialogue and decision-making among civil society and public institutions.
An inclusive methodology to promote sustainable access to natural resources.
A voice for rural farmers in MERCOSUR countries.
Enterprise-based solutions for reuse of domestic and agro-industrial waste
Policy debate and discussion among groups of influencers creates change for poor people.
Drip micro-irrigation to increase yields and save water.
A new way to access collateral for loans.
Knowledge-sharing initiative to boost agricultural innovation.
Local and international groups collaborate to restore a tradition of outstanding coffee.